Personal details

Polivios Raxis

WP7 leader

Raxis Mr. Raxis is an IT expert with over 14 years experience in project management, development of system architectures and design, and with substantial experience in interactive WEB services, Decision Support, profiling and personalization. He holds a BSc degree in mathematics and an MSc degree in s/w engineering. He has been involved in numerous international research and commercial projects, such as: SPADE I, II, Geomed, eScoolLib, WebKit, ECH:TOPICC, ArcSite, SIRE I, II, III, Hermes, Biores, etc.
Organization Atlantis Consulting SA (Atlantis) - Greece
Phone +30 210 6563800
Fax +30 210 6563801,
Address 17 L. Katechaki GR-155 25 ATHENS
Country Greece
Web site